IGPP Seminar Series 2022: Cyrille Mosbeux

IGPP is pleased to invite you to join its Winter 2022 Seminar Series presentation featuring Scripps Polar Center's Cyrille Mosbeux. Dr.Mosbeux's talk, "A journey through the land of Ross Ice Shelf" will be available via  Zoom on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, starting at 12:00pm. Zoom: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/93918471676?pwd=eHlXR1U2dWN4Z3I1ZnVZNFlhNWMzUT09.  Password: IceShelf

Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm, Pacific Time
Location: Zoom

Note: This meeting will be recorded. Please make sure that you are comfortable with this before registering.

Abstract: Ice mass loss from Antarctic Ice Sheet is increasing, accelerating its contribution to global sea level rise. The Antarctic Ice Sheet loses mass via its ice shelves (the floating extensions of the ice sheet) predominantly through two processes: basal melting and iceberg calving. The large Ross Ice Shelf, is presently stable but buttresses grounded ice equivalent to about 12 m of global sea level, and for which geological evidence points to large and sometimes rapid past changes. It is therefore an incredible land to explore to study currently smaller ice-shelf processes that could amplify in the future, such as (1) small seasonal ice shelf changes or (2) small calving events.

Jan 11 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm