IGPP Seminar Series 2022: Wenbo Wu

IGPP is pleased to invite you to join its Winter 2022 Seminar Series presentation featuring WHOI's Wenbo Wu. D. Wu's talk, "Listen to the Ocean Warming" will be available via  Zoom on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, starting at 12:00pm. Zoom: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97567828384?pwd=VmtZdXpkWUMrdXJBOHZpaVI5SFZRQT09.  Password: warming

Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Time: 12:00 pm, Pacific Time
Location: Zoom

Note: This meeting will be recorded. Please make sure that you are comfortable with this before registering.

Abstract: As the major buffer of Earth’s energy imbalance, the ocean plays a key role in regulating global climate and temperature changes. However, accurate estimation of global ocean temperature change remains a challenging sampling problem. To complement existing point measurements, we have developed a novel and low-cost method of using travel time changes of acoustic waves from repeating natural earthquakes to infer basin-scale average ocean temperature changes. Using the land-based seismometers and CTBTO hydrophones, we have detected not only seasonal signals, which are generally consistent with that in previous oceanographic datasets of ECCO and Argo, but also interesting signals missing in ECCO and Argo. Recently, we are working on the frequency and mode dependent travel time changes of these acoustic signals, which could reveal depth information of ocean property changes. I will talk about the challenges and opportunities of the multiple frequency measuring and mode tomography.

Speaker Biography: Dr Wenbo Wu is an assistant scientist in WHOI. He received his B.Sc./M.Sc. degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He obtained a PhD degree in geophysics from the department of Geosciences at Princeton University. His research interests are seismic ocean thermometry, numerical methods of seismic wave propagation and deep Earth seismic structure.

Feb 15 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm