
The Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics maintains a local Help Desk that serves the needs of the department.  This includes  computing security, user support, hardware and software support, and policies related to common computing facilities.  For departmental backup purposes, the Help Desk maintains two 75 terabyte backup servers at the Solarium server room and the SIO Colocation Server Facility. A virtualization infrastructure is maintained to support the departmental and research server needs while centralized storage is maintained to host research data and network home directories.  Network connections are gigabit ethernet to the desktop and 10 to 40 Gbps between building and server room switches.  High resolution color printers and plotters are available to all authorized network users. If you have any questions about computing and networking at IGPP, please visit our frequently updated wiki or contact us at the Help Desk.



New User Information An introduction to the IGPP Help Desk and the services we offer
UID/GID Assignments A table showing the Unix User ID (UID) and Group ID (GID) space assignments at IGPP
Mail Related Topics Information on topics related to UCSD e-mail and mailing lists
UCSD Directory Listing If you directory listing on Blink needs updating or is incorrect, request changes here
Printers and Plotters Printers available at IGPP and printing policies

Help Forms

Help Desk Form to request help from the IGPP Help Desk
Host Registration Requesting a network connection for computers or other networked devices
Account Request Requesting an IGPP OpenDirectory or Campus Active Directory account
Restore Files Request to restore files
Seagoing System Check Prepare your computer for use at sea

Inventory Forms

Location Change within IGPP To move a machine within IGPP
User Change Change primary user associated with a host
Release IP and Hostname If your machine will no longer be on the IGPP wired-network
Loan to Outside IGPP For inventory and UCSD audit
Surplus Sales To request a surplus sale pickup
Warranty Replacement To update new serial number for UCSD audit
Consulting (NetOps use only)